Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Squint, Blink, And Sing

I'm taking a break from deeper topics, so here's an update on my health and life.

Since Sunday morning my left eye has been bothering me. It feels like there's something in it just kinda rubbing up against my eye/eyelid. This morning I went and saw the nurse and she washed it out for me (I had already done this twice) and said that there didn't appear to be anything in it. I could possibly have something hidden inbedded in my eye. Great. She suggested either going to the Urgent Care where they could put some dye in it to see either a hidden scratch or object, or waiting 'till tomorrow morning to see if it gets better. It's already been 48 hours and she informed me that if it was a scratch the eye usually heals itself within 24 hours. So basically no one knows what the deal is. It doesn't hurt, it's just really annoying. So I've been wearing my classes for the last 24 hours, and as my good friends will know, I hate my glasses. Today I'm getting a head-ache from them. The difference in the way I hold my head and in prescription is just enough to drive me bonkers. Everyone tells me to just go to Urgent Care and get it over with, and don't mess around with your eyes, but I'm waiting and praying that God will just take care of me. Mrs. Champion (old friend of my parents and my campus mom) gave me a huge hug when she found out and thinks the devil is just trying to discourage and distract me. It was working, but I'm determined to hold my head up and Sing for Jesus.

Which brings me to my next topic. For those of you getting somewhat annoyed with my continual posts of songs that are on my heart, here is my solution.
Here is my place to simply share the songs that are running through my head and ministering to my soul. I hope you enjoy, and don't feel the need to go and read unless you want to. I simply felt the need to share the songs that minister to me everyday.

In other news, well that's about it. I'm tired, and I hope my eye gets it's attitude right. I have lots of homework, but I'm keeping up on it which is good. There's a boys soccer game at 4pm so I'm either going to go take a nap and hope that helps my eye and general crummy physical feeling, or go do homework...we'll see which one wins.
I so need your prayers, and your comments! I miss you guys and would love to know that you actually care about what I'm writing and that it's not just a bunch of words and ramblings. Wait, it is that.
Also, I love mail! I have yet to receive one piece of mail in my Pillsbury box. Yes, I'm asking for mail. So get ahold of me and I'll send you my address. Wait, I need to mail you something in return, hmmm...I'll come back to that.

Hmm I think homework is going to win.
Until some deep thought comes my way, or I hear a good joke,
Have a great day! And dance for Jesus!

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