I've mentioned once or twice that I'm attempting to learn ASL (American Sign Language). Charity is having great patience with my lack of understanding and is still teaching me. Today I learned what might be one of the most important signs in my opinion. It's the sign for "Friend". To do this sign, you take your index finger from both hands and interlock them together. So one fist is facing you and the other one is down. I might be reading into this to much, but I find great truths in this relatively simple sign.
Friendship like the sign is meant to be easy. Yes, there are hard times, times of frustration, times of hurt, and stretching times. Being a friend won't always be easy, but the general concept is easy. You smile, say hi, and go from there. Yes, it takes time, effort, and trust, but that's what it's all about. Friendship is beautifully symbolized in the sign. It takes two to make it work. One finger doesn't work for the sign, just like one person trying to keep a friendship alive doesn't work. It takes two people to have a friendship. Funny though, it only takes one to make it stop. Friendship is also about giving of yourself, and interlocking with the other person. I said once, a long time ago that whether it's a friendship or relationship, you always give part of yourself away to the other person. One of my friends disagreed with me and said this instead: "You do not merely give part of yourself (heart) away in friendships/relationships, but rather an exchange takes place. Two people exchange pieces of their thoughts, intellect, hearts, etc..."
I disagreed with this statement at first, but now, as more than a year has passed since I was told that, I am tending to agree with it more. I still don't totally agree, and this is why. I believe that you do exchange part of yourself for the other person, but I also believe that it is possible for one person to give or accept more than the other. So yes, an even exchange would be best, but that's not the way it always works. I'm not saying for better or for worse, but it's a thought to ponder.
So as I try my hardest to learn as many signs as fast as possible, I'll also stop to tell Charity she's my friend even though we can't understand each other all the time. I'll also sign "Friend", and remember to be open enough to be the friend she deserves. I'll also go up to fourth floor to see her, and to stir up some trouble and laughter. Two of the things I do best after all.
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