For those of you who know me even a little bit, which should be all of you, you know I like to talk. In fact, I can talk a lot and I usually do. The last 48 hours however, words have failed me. In fact, they are failing me right now.
It's taking all of my energy to get adjusted and get through every day. All my creativity for writing has somehow been sucked out of me. I have so many things to write about, but no words with which to do so. Even in person, I'm at a loss for words. I find enough to say to my roomate, my advisor, and my campus parents, but otherwise, it's a silent Beth that is seen these days.
I knew I would have to step out, be bold, talk to strangers, and make friends, but I'm failing at it. I know, it just takes time. The continueing and returning students return today, which I hope makes things easier since everyone will be here finally. Of course I have doubts about being seen as a lowly freshman even though I'm not, but I know how silly worries can be so I'll just take this day as it comes. I have so much free time right now that I'm not sure what to do with myself. I'm almost done unpacking although I still have a box of just STUFF to deal with. It can wait until I'm ready though. I should attempt to get myself back to Wal-mart or Target to buy a bookshelf, but that could be too much of an adventure for right now. Yes, I know that these are horrible chains that simply exploit their employees for a profit, but well, I don't have much defense actually. Except that I'm a typical American who needs to save money therefore contributing to the madness of the whole economic cycle which is in big need of help. Right now though, I would just like to be able to write a more interesting blog.
So, I'm going to go find something to do. Hopefully I'll soon be energized by making a new friend or something that will spur me on to more creativity. For now just know that getting to Wal-mart last night was just fine, getting back however, that was somewhat more of an adventure.
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