Levi, you were six months old on June 18. Your Momma is slow, get used to it. :)
You weigh 6 pounds 1 ounce and are 26 inches long. You are wearing 3-6 and 6 months clothes. You wear size 2 diapers and are almost into size 3's. We're going to try some cloth diapers this month, Momma's excited!
You are so much fun these days!! You can roll over both directions and suddenly love being on your belly so much! You try to creep forward as best as you and can wiggle yourself around several feet in any direction.
You are SUCH a wiggle worm!! People have a hard time holding you sometimes because all you want to do is squirm. You love to be laid down and play with toys, but suddenly you're also preferring to be held (but not closely) I think it's because you like to push up on your legs and be held up high so you can see more things. But you're still not much of a cuddler unless you're super sleepy.
Speaking of sleepy, you're learning to take a good afternoon nap! Momma's been working hard to train you and you're starting to get it. You like to roll over and sleep on your belly for naptime and I can't prevent it so we let you.
You also sleep so well at night! You usually sleep 9 hours and if you wake up we give you your nuk and back to sleep you go. But you have a very set "wake time" of around 7 am no matter how late you go to bed, so we're learning early is good. :)
Your line of vision is incredible...no more sneaking into your room when you're supposed to be napping. You can see us now. :)
You're starting to get a little shy around strangers. You light up when you see your daddy and love to watch him even when he's busy. I think you can't wait to be following him with your feet not just your eyes.
You love your puppy more and more! Whenever you can see him you smile and talk to him!
You're working on some teeth! You chew on everything you can get your hands on! Which is a lot of stuff! Your hand-eye coordination is getting so much better! You're reaching for things and attempting to put them in your mouth...including the puppy's hair, and Momma's hair...ouch!!
You can sit in your walker from Grandma Otto and push yourself around a little bit. You like being outside in it when we're gardening. You like being outside period! So much to look at and see. You like watching the trees when we go for walks. Momma put you in the bike trailer without your carseat for the first time this week. It took some propping up but you did so well! We like to take you for bike rides! You do okay but sometimes you cry for miles and miles... :)
You want to sit up by yourself soooo bad! If someone tries to hold you laying down in their lap you strain your neck and shoulders to sit up. You like your Bumbo chair a lot these days!! (That's what Levi's in in the pictures!) You had fun trying to get the daisies in Momma's garden when we were taking pictures. You tried to eat the leaf you pulled off.
You love to talk and screech and blow bubbles and make motorboat noises and laugh and laugh. You are so amazing and you're growing so fast! You're breaking so many stereotypes about being a preemie. We're so thankful for your life and you bring us so much joy everyday.
We love you Levi.
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