Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Musings of the Day

I have toys scattered all over my floor. My son is finally old enough to leave his own evidence of his existence and to do so quite handily at that. I have dishes drying in the rack and more waiting to be washed. I have clothes waiting to get dryed and I hate to think of the more I have to wash. I have dust and cobwebs needing attention. And yet, I have so much! Today as some Mommas got together and shared prayer requests, I have so little that needs attention. People have lost parents, have husbands traveling leaving them at home for multiple days with multiple children. People are facing financial losses that were unexpected, children waiting for them in other countries while they wait on our government. There are sorrows galore, as well as laughter. And my requests? For my son to stop coughing (but his ear is all better!! Thank you Jesus!) and my husband to do well on something. While important to us, not earth shattering.

Now, I firmly believe in sharing ALL of our burdens and not just big things. Jesus cares about Levi's sniffles as much as someone's pneumonia. He cares about our little tasks and the doings of world leaders. So no burden is to small to carry to Him.

That being said, I admit to a bit of frustration. As I read about a person and all the things they were buying or desiring, my heart just aches. Because slowly and surely, Andrew and I are getting it. Perhaps it's just our lack of finances, but there is SO much more to this life than things. And frankly, I'd love to downsize and live smaller. Because here's the honest truth, God doesn't care. He doesn't care if my home is decorated well or has new carpet or the latest fashions.
He cares if I've fed the sick and needy and if I've shared His love and salvation with everyone I know.

So my laundry? Yes, it'll get done, but only after I've rechecked my heart and considered my motivation in all I do.

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