Saturday, March 19, 2011


There are sometimes, when we have to be thankful for the sovereignty of God. Which yes, I do firmly believe in thank you very much. And I do think I have some credibility since I have seen some hardship and lost a child in my life.

There are times when God does something that we don't ever get to know the reason. And there are also times when He is merciful and shows us. Or at least lets us think we know the reason.

I have to admit today is just such a day. While stalking Facebook and reading old blog posts, I was reminded why I should be so thankful for my husband. I'm not sure I've ever told you the story of how he and I came to be US, it's a good one. But I shall save it. Today I would simply like to say one summer what seems like long ago, held a lot of heartbreak for young, stupid me. I was poorer too because of it. (It also led to the naming of this blog) And given my way the heartbreak would never have happened and I would have simply had what (or who) I wanted. And been paid back some of my money. But God is sovereign and that heartbreak left me open for Andrew's friendship, which he (God and Andrew) used to pursue my heart. And so Andrew won. But really, we all know, God blessed me the most.

I literally become nauseous when I think of what could have been. For God spared me, and I see that. It would never have worked, for nothing if but that our belief and view of God are ever so different. And I'm so thankful. I now have this amazing man to love me forever and a family to show for it. And he is amazing, for he knows God and what agape means.

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