So this post is almost 3 weeks overdue, but I need to post it anyway. Especially since we slacked and missed a 7 month photo of Levi.
So here we go with the 8 month record. It'll be a combination of things from the last two months.
Levi, you have changed so much in the last 2 months!!
You can now roll wherever you want whenever you want. You're definitely Mr. Independant. And yet, you now freak out when left alone. You're a bit of a Momma's Boy right now but Daddy's still your favorite man! You light up when you see him and you're looking more like him everyday.
You can sit up all by yourself and want to crawl so bad!! You don't quite get the concept of holding your tummy up but when you do manage to do it, you rock back and forth like you can't wait to take off. I sometimes wish you would so that you'd be less frustrated by not getting to what you want.
You've got 4 teeth, two top and two bottom. You have more coming in too! Which leads to less sleep for both of us.
You're such a happy guy! You certainly have your moments of crabbiness but overall, you're a pretty smiley boy. You wake up happy as long as you've gotten enough sleep. :) People keep telling me what a good baby you are. Which I believe but on rougher days it makes me scared for what a "not good" baby is. Which is absurd.
You still chatter a lot, but a little less than before. You just learned to growl and will growl at the goofiest things and even when crying.
You are learning so much at this point in life! You study things so intensly and are always into something new. You can pick up small puffs or cereal and now know to let them go when in your mouth and not bite your hands. :)
You eat like crazy! You're now eating any baby food we give you and Graham crackers are you absolute favorite!! You light up whenever you see one and can't get your hands on it fast enough. You're starting to be interested in our plates and have enjoyed little pieces of food. You like Steak Sandwich! :) We're turning you into a carnivour already.
I'm sure there's more to share but those are the biggest things. You're wearing 6-9 month clothes and you're getting so long these days!! I don't have a recent weight or height 'cause we're almost to our 9 month checkup. That's so crazy to me.
We've spent so much time praying for you to get bigger and healthier, so that now that you are, it's sort of surreal. But it's a wonderful thing!
We love you so much Levi and thank the Lord for you daily! We pray that as you grow that you'll come to trust Jesus as your Savior and glorify God in all you do and be Christlike.
You love your puppy still so much! You also love grass! If you're on a blanket outside you try so hard to get to the grass and pull it up and play with it and try to eat it! We love that you love being outside!
You know what "No" looks like in sign language and don't like it when you're told it. Ahh sin nature. :)
You're learning what "water" is in sign and you drink out of a baby sippy cup so well now! You're definitely a big boy!
I love you Levi and I'm so proud and humbled to be your Momma. I hope that I can show you what a Godly wife looks like as you watch me interact with your Daddy so that you'll be proud to have us as your parents.
I love you my boy!
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