Thursday, November 11, 2004


I feel as though I've been allowed to briefly come up for air before being plunged back into the furry of the waves again.

I have made it through this week with alive but very much sleep deprived. As I sit here all I want to do is go to bed. Seriously, I might sleep for the entire Thanksgiving break. I have written several papers and projects, taken several brutal and one easy test, and managed to not die in the process. Next week is going to be worse however, and I hope to prepare for it by working really hard this weekend. Whether or not it will work is yet to be known. Although I am very tempted to simply sleep all day Saturday. But alas, the library opens at 11 and I shall be here studying away soon after. A very ugly looking History of Civilization paper is facing me for Monday along with a huge reading project for Counseling and another project in Old Testament.

Lest I sound like I'm complaining let it be known that I love my classes for the most part and am learning so much. But I still have one question to be answered, WHY MUST ALL THESE THINGS HAPPEN AT ONCE?! Ah well, it's not a conspiracy but sometimes it feels like it. Amazingly however, although I have been tired this week, I have seen God work mightily and sustain me through the week. I have not had strong claustrophobic feelings of not being able to accomplish everything, but rather have sensed God helping me through every moment of each day.

On a somewhat more somber note, today is Veteran's Day. I'm sure you are aware of this, but I thought I would bring it up myself. I'm working on a little something in honor of Veteran's Day, but it might take a while to bring forth to even blog publishing quality. It might even be Memorial Day before it's done, but this should keep you in suspense until then. I would like to take advantage of this very moment to say thank you to all the veterans and current soldiers. We have not forgotten your sacrifice, and for what it's worth, there is at least one teenager who is immensely grateful for your sacrifice.

With that, I shall return to my 100 pages of reading and hope to actually accomplish something of value this evening. Although my bed is very tempting. But we have a dorm meeting tonight and that is required attendance so I must stay awake until 11pm at least.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a tough week, I was tired out just thinking about papers, reading, tests and college again. Anyways hope you made through the week in good health and are ready to go hard for another.

Andrew P.