Monday, April 19, 2010

Vaccines...umm Immunizations...

I grew up on a farm, where we vaccinated the animals. So whenever I refer to babies being given shots, I say vaccines. They are supposed to be called immunizations. So basically I refer to my son as though he's a cow/horse/dog. Oh well, he doesn't mind.

That to say if I say vaccinate in this post, give me some grace, I still think in cow terms. Although the actual shots babies receive are called vaccines, yet your are immunizing them. I'm confused already.

Before we begin this great discussion let me say this about parenting. I love the Lord. I love being a parent. I love that by God giving us children we are being given the amazing task of caring for them, teaching them, and generally trying to keep them alive long enough to learn about and love the Lord. The biggest thing I've realized since Levi's birth is that every baby, birth, life is different. Each child has their own story. Every parent is given the task of raising their child to glorify God to the best of their ability. What's right for Levi isn't right for your child. What's best for Levi may not be what's best for our next child. It's a learning and growing process and each child is different. So no yelling at me for what I'm about to type. I'm Levi's Momma and he's my responsibility and I'm accountable to the Lord, not to you. Well this is already a book, but I'll continue.

I've read countless things about vaccines and heard countless people's opinions. I know the big scare with vaccines is Autism, and trust me, it worries me too. I don't doubt that there may be some link to Autism and vaccines, I also believe all the dyes and preservatives we ingest aren't helping either.
I have a friend who has two boys, the older one has autism, the younger one does not. She has vaccinated both of them. I questioned her about this when I was pregnant with Levi. Her explanation to me was she would rather deal with something like Autism than lose a child or have a child disabled by things such as polio and measles that we vaccinate for. This makes sense to me. Yes, you could have the child who develops autism if you vaccinate. You could also be the one who's child dies of meningitis or is crippled by polio if you don't vaccinate. It's all a guessing game really.
My chiropractor, whom I love by the way, she's amazing, is not all against vaccines as many are. Her theory with her own children is wait until they are a little older, and then do them one at a time, not 5 shots in one visit, and not the combined vaccines. I liked this practice and logic, and so did Andy, so that was our decision.

When Levi was born they wanted to give him the Hepititis B vaccine. We declined. We were bugged a bit by the neonatologists about this decision. I finally asked the nurse for a consent to decline form so they'd stop bothering us. I don't have Hep B and I had a c-section, both decreasing Levi's chances of getting it. We're not leaving the country anytime soon so again, doesn't need it. So far Levi had had no vaccines.

Today was Levi's 4-month checkup. He weighs 13 pounds 8 ounces and is 23 inches long. His height is in the 5-10 percentile for his actual age (when he was born) whereas his weight is finally close the the 50 percentile. So we have a short chubby baby. :)
We decided now was an okay time to start Levi's vaccines. Our pediatrician has been very gracious in working with whatever we decided. I do believe that the binding agents in vaccines (when you give an MMR vaccine, you're vaccinating for 3 things, thus there is a binding agent to keep them together in one vaccine) is probably the biggest risk, so we wanted them given individually, not as a big vaccine.

They have a huge combined vaccine that combines like 5 different vaccines at once. I understand the draw of this as it seems easier to just poke the baby once or twice and be done. But really? How would you like to take some antibiotics, tylenol, cold medicine, flu shot, etc... all at once? Really, can that be a good idea? But that's my soapbox.

So our great pediatrician told us which ones he thought were most important for Levi to have now, and we chose to do two, one in each leg of the single vaccines. So he had a PCV (Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine) and a Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae Type b Vaccine). Basically PCV is for a strep bacteria vaccine that can cause pneumonia, meningitis, blood infections, etc. Hmm seems like a good idea considering Levi's already had Pneumonia, I certainly don't want to add meningitis to the list.
Hib is for a bacteria disease that causes meningitis and pneumonia as well, just a different strain. So really, things that could kill Levi.

Levi's a trooper, they did both at the same time in different legs and he screamed and didn't breath for 3 seconds and then cried hard for about 20 seconds. He calmed down fast and then went to sleep. He had a dose of baby tylenol (don't worry, I know, bad for babies) and he's been a trooper ever since. He's slept, ate, and smiled. He did so well with his circumcision that this doesn't surprise me. I know, circumcising is under discussion as well.

So that's our story. Levi will get 2 more shots in a month, don't ask, I don't remember which ones, whatever else is supposed to be in the huge 5 doseage one.
And really, I feel at peace with our decision. I greatly respect all of you who choose not to immunize (ha! right word!) and those of you who choose do follow the set schedule exactly. And I hope you can respect our choices and beliefs. Because really, I don't care if you don't, because we've prayed and thought and researched and our choosing to do what we believe is best, and frankly, we're accountable to God, and we're doing our best to please Him.

I think we'll take the little brave trooper for a bike ride. He'll enjoy the sleep in the trailer!

1 comment:

Christie Carlson said...

Hey Beth,
It sounds like you and Andy are taking the right approach - doing what you feel the Lord leads you to do with the child He has given you. You will never go wrong when you seek the Lord's guidance for the care and raising of His children.

Thanks for sharing the process.
I think that as mothers, we forget that we are not in this all by ourselves. It isn't until we start sharing our burdens, and life events, that we realize, "Hey, I'm doing ok!" It also helps to know how to pray for one another.

Glad to hear everyone is doing well - we think of you guys often.

Take Care,