Because of some unfortunate events, along with a lapse in my brain functions, I missed the Vikings game last night. They still won though, which goes to show how much they need me cheering them on. So congradulations, and I'll try to see it next time.
It was a very long weekend on this end complimented by very little homework. On a more positive note however, today was an ok day. Yep, very positive.
I would like to share with my reading audience a little known fact about a girls dorm bathroom. See on weekends the bathroom doesn't get "cleaned" on our floor. Which is just fine, considering there are only like 10-30 girls still left on our floor on an average weekend. But that is definitely enough girls to make Sunday a day in which toilet paper is in very short supply. There is a certain stall in our bathroom that anyone hardly ever uses. My theory on this is because it's right in the middle, thus you have a rather large listening audience, and it's also placed where the lights don't really reach it so it's very dark. That's my theory as to it's neglect anyway. So usually, when most of the other 6 or so stalls are out of toilet paper, this one has some. So I use it for that very reason. Yesterday however, even that stall was out. You know things are desperate when the dark stall is out of toilet paper. And so that was the exciting weekend revelation. Don't worry, one of the other cleaning gals with keys to the cleaning closet realized our plight and blessed us with more T.P. And so ends my sad tale.
On another somber note, it has yet to actually snow. I did dig my winter coats out, and purchased my red mittens, but still no snow. It's very sad.
Some not so fun stuff happened this weekend on our floor, which I won't get into except to say your prayers would be appreciated. It's not a huge deal anymore, but it's still somewhat affecting some friendships.
The next two weeks are going to be killer academically speaking, especially next week. Lots of projects and huge tests in every class. Ahhh life. I know I'm supposed to be here, but at times like these I get tired and wonder if it will all be worth it. Especially when I look at the even harder classes and semesters I have still ahead of me. I know, take it one day and one semester at a time. But I would definitely appreciate your prayers. On that note, I'm off to try to make up for the craziness and weirdness of the long weekend and study. Keep cheering on the Vikings and watch out for those squirrels, they're evil.
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